Matthew 17:20 “… Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.”


  • (Ages 3-5)

    Designed for the youngest dancers to explore their body capabilities, spatial awareness and the development of imagination through movement and musicality. Students begin identifying basic forms of movement through dance games, songs, music, and rhythmical patterns.

    Each class begins and ends with prayer. Dancers will learn age appropriate scripture verses relevant to each class. They will be taught worship songs and will be encouraged to sing and dance, giving God all the glory with their minds, bodies, and hearts!

  • (Ages 6-8)

    Dancers are introduced to beginning concepts of ballet technique including turn out, coordinating upper body and lower body movements, spatial awareness, and class etiquette.

    Students continue to use their imagination to foster artistry as they focus on musicality and increase their movement vocabulary.

    Dancers will be guided on how to improv dance and worship with their bodies and through singing! Otherwise known as “free form dance” but with significant purpose!

    Each class begins and ends with prayer. Dancers will learn age appropriate scripture verses relevant to each class. They will be taught worship songs and will be encouraged to give God all the glory with their minds, bodies, and hearts!

  • (Ages 9+)

    These older dancers will focus on developing important skills and body awareness during this formative season, including proper posture and body alignment, coordination and strength, musicality and imaginative artistry.

    Dancers will be guided on how to improv dance and worship with their bodies and through singing! Otherwise known as “free form dance” but with significant purpose!

    Each class begins and ends with prayer. Dancers will learn age appropriate scripture verses relevant to each class. They will be taught worship songs and encouraged to give God all the glory with their minds, bodies, and hearts!

Lillian Wetzel

Dance Ministry Director & Teacher

  • I want to present the gospel of Jesus Christ and His truth through movement and the gift of dance.

    I want to help in the restoration of dance as a worshipful part of the life of the Church, by exploring with congregations the part that movement and action can play in the expression of faith.

    My heart is to nurture and teach dancers of all ages in a safe Christ-centered environment to use dance as a form of worship, with a mission and ministry focus; to serve dancers and parents who desire a distinctively Christian education for themselves and their children, with Biblical principles integrated into every aspect of educating. Helping children to grow their faith like a mustard seed!

  • I believe the Bible is the only infallible, authoritative Word of God.

    I believe the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit are the one and only eternal God, who is the Creator and Sustainer of all things.

    I believe in the incarnation, virgin birth, sinless life, death on the cross, substitutionary atonement for sin, bodily resurrection and future return of God the Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.

    I believe in the present power and work of God, the Holy Spirit, in the conviction of sin, regeneration, sanctification, and the giving of spiritual gifts to believers for the building up of the body of Christ.

    I believe in salvation by the free gift of grace apart from works, through repentance and personal faith in Jesus Christ, the Lord, and that true salvation will display the sovereignty of Jesus Christ.

    I believe in the bodily resurrection of both the saved and the lost: the saved, unto eternal joy in the presence of God, and the lost, unto eternal damnation, shut away from the presence of God.

    I believe that all human life is sacred and created by God in His image. Human life is of inestimable worth in all its dimensions.

    I believe that the term “marriage” has only one meaning: the uniting of one biological man and one biological woman in a single, exclusive, and life-long union/covenant, as delineated in Scripture.

    I believe that any form of sexual activity outside the context of biblical marriage is sinful and offensive to God.

    My beliefs on gender identity and sexual orientation…

    Genesis 1:27 conveys an undeniable connection between “the image of God” and the ontological categories of male and female. This verse consists of three lines of poetry, with the second and third lines structured in parallel, communicating a correlation between God’s image and “male and female.”

    “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.”

    Being created in the image of God and being male or female are essential to being human. Sex (male and female) is not simply biological or genetic, just as being human is not simply biological or genetic. Sex is first and foremost a spiritual and ontological reality created by God. Being male or female cannot be changed by human hands; sex is a category of God’s handiwork, his original and intended design.

    (Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation, An Essay By Christopher Yuaneaken from the Gospel Coalition Website)

    This statement of faith does not exhaust the extent of my beliefs. The Bible itself, speaks with final authority concerning truth, morality, and the proper conduct of mankind.

    “See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception [pseudo-intellectual babble], according to the tradition [and musings] of mere men, following the elementary principles of this world, rather than following [the truth—the teachings of] Christ.”

    Colossians 2:8

  • Increase:

    I am a Christian who desires to increase the name of Jesus Christ through my choice of worship in singing and dancing and sharing that with others. He changes the world around us as we give Him our mind, heart and body through worship. Any child is welcome to be apart of this ministry, no matter their dance experience or exposure to Jesus. It is my belief that everyone should have access to high quality art, excellent education and most importantly Jesus Christ.


    I am passionate about the Gospel, and engaging those around me with the transformational message of Jesus Christ.

    Teach + Nurture:

    I am compelled by Christ’s love to equip people to know and understand who Christ is and to stand firm in Christ’s love and truth in a nurturing and safe environment as well as the world we live in.


    I believe that Jesus is worthy of our highest praise and I will strive to teach quality dance education, while holding close to teaching the truth of Jesus and serve Him with a standard of excellence.

Click options below for more info…

  • Ongoing Fall program info:

    Registration is now OPEN for Fall Classes!

    Fall classes are every other week and are completely FREE . Beginning on Saturday, Sept 7th - December 14th, 2024

    Class times will be held on Saturday mornings inside the Church at Agape Outpost.

    - Dance Group 1/Creative Movement (Ages 3-5): 9-9:45 AM (45min)

    - Dance Group 2 (Ages 6-8): 10-11 AM (60min)

    - Dance Group 3 (Ages 9+): 11:15-12:15 PM (60min) (Lunch is not provided)

    There are only 8 spots open for each of the dance group levels. Please be sure to sign up as soon as you know that you are able to commit to the class for the entire season

    FULL class schedule:

    - September: 7th and 21st

    - October: 5th and 19th

    - November: 2nd, 16th and 23rd (back to back week)

    - December: 7th and 14th (back to back week)

    NO class dates:

    - Fall Break: Saturday, Nov 2nd

    - Thanksgiving weekend: Saturday, Nov 30th

  • All classes will be held inside Agape Outpost Church!


    15404 Hwy 9, Breckenridge, CO 80424

  • All participants will learn the 9 Fruits of the Spirit in class as it relates to the Dance Ministry behavior and conduct values all participants will be expected to uphold.

    22 But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things! (Galatians 5:22-23, NLT)

    Dancers show respect for themselves by:

    1. Being prompt for class.

    2. Being dressed properly for class.

    3. Having hair pulled back/out of face.

    4. Not wearing their dance shoes outside.

    Dancers show respect for others by:

    1. Keeping their hands to themselves during class.

    2. Waiting quietly for others to have a turn and for instructions from the teacher.

    3. Talking with one another only during share time.

    4. Never using any foul language.

    Dancers show respect for their teacher by:

    1. Being properly dressed and ready for class on time.

    2. Listening when the teacher speaks.

    3. Always asking permission before leaving the room for any reason and upon returning, entering quietly.

    4. Always finishing every exercise, never walking off noisily or showing anger or aggravation.

    Dancers show respect for the church by:

    1. Leaving gum, food, or drinks outside the practice room.

    2. Never hanging or leaning on the ballet barres.

    3. Never running, raising voice/screaming or doing gymnastics in the church building or parking lot.

    4. Putting trash in its proper place.

    5. Always keeping all belongings zipped inside their dance bag.

    Parents show respect for the dance ministry, teacher and space by:

    1. Not entering the practice room during class time unless child is waiting to be picked up by parent.

    2. Making sure child has had the opportunity to go to the restroom before entering the class.

    3. Having students ready for class before entering the classroom.

    4. Having students at class on time and picking them up promptly after their class.

    5. Letting the teacher (Lillian) know in advance, if possible, if a student will be absent.

    6. Clearly marking all of their child’s items with the child’s name and leaving their toys at home.

    • If any of these principles are disrespectfully broken, the child will have to sit out and observe the remainder of class or if needed the parent will be called and asked to pick child up for the remainder of class.

    • In case of consistent disrespect to fellow participants and teacher in class, a meeting will be set up between child, parent/guardian and dance ministry director to evaluate future participation in classes and/or dance ministry.

    • Students may enter the front entrance of Agape Church.

    • Students waiting for their parent/guardian to retrieve them after class must wait inside the church building/inside classroom with teacher.

    • Students should be picked up immediately at the conclusion of class & will be asked to remain inside the building with teacher while waiting for their ride.

  • In the event that a child or youth is injured while in class, the following steps shall be followed:

    1. For minor injuries, scrapes, and bruises, the teacher will provide First Aid (Band-Aids, etc.) as appropriate and we will notify the child’s parent or guardian of the injury at the time the child is picked up from our care.

      2. For injuries requiring medical treatment beyond simple First Aid, the parent and/or guardian will immediately be summoned. If warranted by circumstances, an ambulance will be called.

  • It unfortunately happens!

    It is my desire to provide a healthy and safe environment for all of the children in class and to be considerate of other children when deciding whether to place a child under my care. In general, children with the following symptoms should not be dropped off:

    • Fever, diarrhea, or vomiting within the last 48 hours

    • Green or yellow runny nose, Eye or skin infections

    • Other symptoms of communicable or infectious disease

    • If the have been in contact with anyone that has tested positive for Covid

    Children who are dropped off and who are showing any above symptoms will be separated from other children and the parent or guardian will be contacted to request that the child be picked up immediately.

  • All dance ministry groups are asked to wear clothing that is comfortable to move in and that is modest.

    Options for Girls:

    • stretchy solid leggings

    • ballet tights

    • ballet skirts

    • sweatpants or athletic pants

    • short sleeve/quarter sleeve/long sleeve solid colored leotard

    • athletic t-shirt

    • socks or pink ballet slippers (leather or canvas)

    • Walmart, Target and Stork & Bear carry girls ballet clothing and ballet shoes if you choose to purchase.

    Options for Boys:

    • sweatpants or athletic pants or shorts

    • athletic t-shirt or cotton t-shirt

    • socks or black ballet slippers (leather or canvas)

    Girls & Boys:

    • hair must be pulled back and out of face

    • do not wear ballet slippers outdoors

  • Lillian Wetzel does not have the right to administer either prescription or non-prescription medications to the children under her care.

    Medications should be administered by a parent at home. Exceptions to the medications policy may be granted to parents of children with potentially life-threatening conditions (such as asthma or severe allergic reactions). Parents of such children should address their situation with the teacher (Lillian) starts their first class. This way she can develop a plan of action.

  • There are only 8 spots open for each of the dance group levels.

    Once classes fill there will be any additional children placed on a waitlist for the season. If registered children drop out or consistently miss class, the next child in line on the waitlist will be offered a spot through the Fall season.

    If there are no dancers dropping from a class with a large waiting list, Lillian will try her best to open a new class day and time to accommodate those on the list in the near future.

  • Incase of poor weather conditions, Lillian will send an email or text to all parents as soon as possible to share determined cancellations.

  • Lillian Wetzel, Dance Ministry Director

Registration is now Open


September 7th - December 14th 2024

(classes are every other week)

  • Dance Group 1 and 3 is FULL, please continue registration to be placed on waiting list.

For in him we live and move and have our being.

— Acts 17:28


“Let them praise His name with dancing; Let them sing praises to Him with the tambourine and harp.”

— Psalm 149:3